Search Tips

  • Use the search tool located at the top to find events and people quickly. 

  • Common search terms are the names of sessions, talks, presenters, and authors.

  • Use a single word to generate the broadest search, e.g., Smith or Metals.

  • Add multiple words to narrow your search, e.g., John Smith or Light Metals.

  • Use quotation marks around terms that are multiple words to narrow your search results, which is particularly helpful for technical topics. Do not use quotations marks when searching for names. 

  • From an attendee's profile page, use the four icons engage with that person. The four options are to "Add" to your in-app contacts list, "Schedule a Meeting" during the conference, "Send a Message" through the app, or make a "Note" about how you engaged with this person.
  • You also may search for attendees. Keep in mind that it is possible for individuals to set their profiles to display as much or as little information as they prefer. To customize your own profile, go to My Profile.