
Jagdish Narayan1, Ritesh Sachan2; 1North Carolina State University, 2Oklahoma State University

From Stone Age to Bronze Age to Iron Age to Semiconductors and Nanomaterials, materials through their properties have played a critical role in improving the quality of human life and taking us to a next level. Recent discovery of Q-Materials may take us to a higher level yet in view of their unprecedented superior properties. Among its many unique and unprecedented properties, Q-carbon is harder (as much as 70%) than diamond, it is ferromagnetic and electrochromic in pure form and it can be made superconducting upon doping with boron with transition temperature over 57K (highest for BCS superconductors). This record superconducting temperature is expected to go still higher with increasing B-concentration in Q-carbon. Carbon can be also converted into diamond in the form of single-crystal nanodots (NV nanodiamons), microdots, nanoneedles, microneedles, and large-area single-crystal films, which can be doped with both n- and p-type dopants for a variety of applications.