
Materials Processing

The Enthalpy Method as an Alternative to Accurately Predicting Undercooled Solidification

3:00 PM–3:20 PM Feb 27, 2020 (US - Pacific)

San Diego Convention Ctr - 18


Andrew Kao1, L V Toropova2, D V Alexandrov2, G Demange3, P K Galenko4; 1University of Greenwich, 2Ural Federal University, 3University of Rouen Normandy, 4Friedrich-Schiller-Universität-Jena

Traditional solidifcation methods for accurately predicting undercooled growth usually adopt a phase-field method. The phase field formulation strictly requires the cell size in the vacinity of the interface to be similar in size to the interfacial thickness. This requires a very fine mesh and the use of complex adaptive meshing techniques. On the other hand the Enthalpy method, has no such restrictions but instead suffers from narrow-band errors as the mesh becomes refined. However, by carefully selecting the mesh size to minimise this error we show that an excellent agreement can be found over a wide range of undercoolings from high 300 K down to 20 K against the sharp interface model. For the low undercooled regime the cell size is can be considerably larger than the interface thickness and utilising parallelisation capturing the entire solidification of microgravity droplets is becoming more feasible.